Thursday 11 September 2014

Develop your ability to influence

Develop your ability to influence

Leadership is largely about influence. Those who influence us lead us, and those who lack influence are ignored. So how do we build influence? I believe there are 4 key focus areas:

- be relevant - there is no use having all the answers to the questions no-one is asking. If you want to influence you need to know how people are, what is important to them, and what they are trying to achieve. Then you can ensure that what you bring, and how you communicate, fits with what is needed.

- build trust - trust is built on credibility, integrity and respect. Those who want to develop trust must demonstrate that they 'walk their talk', and show that they are consistent. Trust comes as we develop a track record of reliability and effectiveness.

- solve problems - the ability to solve simple and complex problems is critical to influence. Expert problem solvers are aware of context, involve others, summarise on the way, and are explicit about process. Our influence increases as we demonstrate our ability to solve problems.

- listen with head and heart - none of the above will happen if you haven't mastered this skill. However, many forget that we need to listen at many levels if we are to be truly effective. Consider the following questions. What are they saying with their mouth (the message)? What are they saying with their heart or emotions? What are they saying through their body language? What aren't they saying? Have I checked that I have heard correctly? Or am I just assuming that I have got it right?

So remember, although your role as a leader gives you the right, it doesn't necessarily give you the level of influence you need to gain traction and achieve your goals. More influence, rather than more power is required. And influence is gained over time as we attend to the four focus areas above.